Europe Trip: Pre-departure

So now, it's the time to update my Europe trip. On 2nd June,9:30pm, fot those who depart from NTU, we gathered at 1 of the bus stop nearby to wait for the bus driver to pick us up. Thanks for Yin Mun and Carol for "sending me off" at bus stop 14.

The bus came a bit late, roughly 10 something. We reached Changi Airport at 11pm plus. We checked in, ate bak jang and took pictures while waiting for our flight which is at 2am.

The Tenors, but where is Chin Yuan?

Our flight are transitting at Dubai. The weather in Dubai is very hot. But, we still enjoy ourselves a lot althought we need to wait for few hours. Some of us had McDonald's there, ice-cream...bla bla bla...At the same time, we took lots of pictures.


After waited for 4 hours is Dubai, we took our flight to Vienna. Along the way, we also took a lot of pictures from the plane.

Pictures from the plane